Erie Shores Photography Club, Western Reserve Photographic Society, and Chagrin Valley Camera Club jointly participated in an inter club photo competition with the theme “Water”. Leaving it up to the photographer to interpret this subject but requiring the main subject to be water in any of its forms, each club submitted 25 photos to be judged by an independent panel of 3 judges.
Due to the corona virus and subsequent closing of almost every public venue this year’s competition will be conducted remotely. Judges will receive the photo, critique and rate each and the results will be emailed to each club member. Photos will be posted on the Erie Shores Photography Club’s website for viewing.
Thanks to our Interclub committee who helped run this for ESPC:
Natalie Wehner
Terry Nickolette
Roger Sommer
Congratulations to everyone at ESPC who participated in this years' Inter-club competition.